Giving Back Financially

We give because Jesus invites us to. The Bible is clear.

Galatians 6:2, NRSV says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Jesus says it this way, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 19:19b).


Stevensville United Methodist Church offers the following options for contributing financially:

  • Offering Envelope: If you’re using one of the Offering Envelopes you received or an envelope from the pew pocket, just complete the envelope, enclose your contribution, and drop it in the offering plate.
  • Snail-Mail: Send your check to Stevensville United Methodist Church, 5506 Ridge Road, Stevensville, MI 49127.
  • ACH Giving: You may contribute by direct withdrawal from your checking/debit account by obtaining a form at the church; or, clicking here to download the form; or contacting the church finance office and returning the form when completed. Each payment will be moved from your account to the church’s account as authorized by you. The amount authorized can be changed by emailing our church Finance Administrator, or calling at 429-5911 Ext 13.
  • Secure Online Giving: Contribute with your debit/credit card by clicking HERE.

All contributions will be put toward our general programs unless otherwise specified.


If you have questions regarding any of our giving options, please feel free to email our church Finance Administrator, or call at 429-5911 Ext 13.

Thank you.