February 9, 2025

5th Sunday after the Epiphany

Join us in person and online for worship service starting at 9:55 with gathering music.
Nursery care and Elementary Sunday School available.

Join us in person and online for worship. Nursery care and Elementary Sunday School available.

As we approach Valentine’s Day and “the month of love,” we’ll be exploring the call to love in the Bible.
Love is a word that gets thrown around in a lot of different ways within and beyond the church.
What does love mean in the context of our faith? How does it bless us? What does it ask of us? How does it transform us?

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:31—13:13

If you watch the service online, please take a moment to click the link in the online description or here
and fill out the form to let us know that you have joined us today.

Order of Worship and Weekly Update can be downloaded here:
Order of Worship and Weekly Update

Click here to watch the Service ONLINE on Facebook

Click here to watch the Service ONLINE on YouTube

Hear and Watch the Message
(Available approximately three hours after conclusion of the live service)

Serving in Worship Sunday, February 9
Graham Canfield, Lector
Mike & Mindi Logan & Scouts, Ushers
Scouts, Acolytes
Scouts, Greeters
Mike Logan, Congregation Safety

Altar Flowers Given By the Mitchell Family
Celebrating Tom’s Birthday!


Come check out our faith formation and ministry opportunities for all ages and find your place to connect with God, each other and the community this fall.

Mission Focus For February

Blood Pressure Check-Sunday, February 9 after worship at 11:15 with Kathy Sankey.

Intergenerational Mission Trip Meeting This Sunday- If you are interested in helping plan this trip, pleasejoin us for an organizational meeting in Faith Hall after worship on Sunday, February 9. See page 8 of today’s update for more information.

Responding to the California Wildfires-UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) is already at work responding to the wildfires in California. When you give to UMCOR disaster response, 100% of your gift goes directly to relief efforts. If you would like to give to wildfire relief, you can designate an amount for UMCOR on your offering envelope, or you can give online and select “California Fires.” You can give SUMC credit for your gift by entering our 49127 zip code and selecting Stevensville UMC.

Sister’s-In-Faith Movie Night-Monday, February 10.

Card Ministry Classes Tuesday, February 11-the Morning class will be held at 10:00am and the afternoon class at 4:00pm.

Pub Theology-Tuesday, February 11, 7:00pm at Watermark.

Office Hours – The church office hours are M,W,TH,F from 9:00am-noon. The office will be closed on Tuesdays. You can call 429-5911 or email: stevensvillechurch@gmail.com and leave a message. Thank you.

Caring Ministries Thought – Please remember we are in this together and are here for you. You can send Nancy Mead an email at caring.stevensvillechurch@gmail.com and she will gladly respond to you.