June 6, 2021
Please join us Sunday Morning for our In-Person Worship
(Sanctuary open at 9:45 am)
Our online service on Facebook and YouTube will begin at 9:55 am with gathering music.
Order of Worship and Weekly Update can be downloaded here:
Order of Worship and Weekly Update
Click here to watch the Service ONLINE on YouTube
Hear and Watch the Message
(Available approximately three hours after conclusion of the live service)
Mobile Food Pantry Update – Thank you to everyone who came out in May and helped volunteer for the Mobile Food Pantry. We served 235 Individuals, 96 Households, 89 Seniors, 70 Children and 23 Veterans. The next Pantry
will be Wednesday, June 16.
Chancel Flowers – If you would like to provide silk flowers for the altar please call the office 429-5911 or email: stevensvillechurch@gmail.com The cost is $30.00 and will be put into the mission fund. We are also using signup.com; see page 3 of this week’s update for link. Looking to fill dates for the month of June. Thank You!
Card Making Ministry In June – Please see page 3 of todays update on information to come and join Sandy Hayes in making cards for the church.
FAREWELL TO JESSE, JENN, BERT & CHARLIE – Come join us outside to celebrate Jesse Robbins’ ministry to our Church and bid him and his family a fond farewell immediately following worship June 6th on the lawn (weather permitting). We will have cake and punch while adhering to protocol set by Ad-Council. Thank you. SPRC
June 6, 2021
Please join us Sunday Morning for our In-Person Worship
(Sanctuary open at 9:45 am)
Our online service on Facebook and YouTube will begin at 9:55 am with gathering music.
Order of Worship and Weekly Update can be downloaded here:
Order of Worship and Weekly Update
Click here to watch the Service ONLINE on YouTube
Hear and Watch the Message
(Available approximately three hours after conclusion of the live service)
Mobile Food Pantry Update – Thank you to everyone who came out in May and helped volunteer for the Mobile Food Pantry. We served 235 Individuals, 96 Households, 89 Seniors, 70 Children and 23 Veterans. The next Pantry
will be Wednesday, June 16.
Chancel Flowers – If you would like to provide silk flowers for the altar please call the office 429-5911 or email: stevensvillechurch@gmail.com The cost is $30.00 and will be put into the mission fund. We are also using signup.com; see page 3 of this week’s update for link. Looking to fill dates for the month of June. Thank You!
Card Making Ministry In June – Please see page 3 of todays update on information to come and join Sandy Hayes in making cards for the church.
FAREWELL TO JESSE, JENN, BERT & CHARLIE – Come join us outside to celebrate Jesse Robbins’ ministry to our Church and bid him and his family a fond farewell immediately following worship June 6th on the lawn (weather permitting). We will have cake and punch while adhering to protocol set by Ad-Council. Thank you. SPRC
Office Hours – The church office hours are M,W,TH,F from 9:00am-noon. The office will be closed on Tuesdays. You can call 429-5911 or email: stevensvillechurch@gmail.com and leave a message. Thank you.
Caring Ministries Thought – Please remember we are in this together and are here for you. You can send Nancy Mead an email at caring.stevensvillechurch@gmail.com and she will gladly respond to you.