Job Opportunity — Faith Formation Director

Stevensville United Methodist Church (SUMC) is looking for a highly organized Christian with professional communication skills, strong administrative skills, and proficiency in current technology to join our team as the Faith Formation Director. This part-time position will coordinate and oversee discipleship opportunities for children, youth, and adults . With the support of the pastor, the Faith Formation Director’s main objective is to foster and nurture Christian faith and discipleship in visible, fruitful ways across the congregation of SUMC. The complete job description can be downloaded here: Faith Formation Director Job Description

For more information please contact the church office at 269-429-5911 or email your resume to

Worship Online
Fifth Sunday of Pentecost

June 16, 2024
10:00 am

Please join us Sunday in the sanctuary or on one of our Online Live Streams

Services on Facebook and YouTube will begin at 9:55 am with gathering music.

Order of Worship can be downloaded here:
Weekly Update and Order of Worship

Click here to watch the Service ONLINE on YouTube

If you watch the service online, please take a moment to click the link below and fill out the form to let us know that you have worshiped with us today.

I Watched Online Today

Serving in Worship, Sunday, June 16
Sandy Hayes Lector, Tom & Bonnie Parrish Ushers,
Sandy Hayes, Myra Thompson, Heather Boyle
Communion Helpers, Grace Mitchell, Acolyte

Altar Flowers Given by Cindy Fowler
In Honor of Tom Mitchell, Zach Mitchell,
Ben Mitchell, Sarah Mitchell, Faith Mitchell,
Grace Mitchell


Come check out our faith formation and ministry opportunities for all ages and find your place to connect with God, each other and the community this fall.

Mission Focus For May
Riverside Back Pack Program

Altar Flower Sign-Up For 2024 Now Available – Please leave your check in the box next to the sign up sheet in the hallway on the table. Cost is $30.00 that will go towards missions.

SUMC Is Hiring – we are looking for a highly organized Christian with professional communication skills, strong administrative skills and proficiency in current technology to join our team at the Faith Formation Director. Call the church office at 429-5911 or email Pastor Elise at

Fair Booth Sign-Up – It’s that time! Please see page 5 of today’s update and sign-up to work the 2024 Berrien County Fair Booth. Share the link and sign-up with your family and friends.

Office Hours – The church office hours are M,W,TH,F from 9:00am-noon. The office will be closed on Tuesdays. You can call 429-5911 or email: and leave a message. Thank you.

Caring Ministries Thought – Please remember we are in this together and are here for you. You can send Nancy Mead an email at and she will gladly respond to you.